Bunkhouse Speed Gun Rigs
These rigs feature metal lined holders, vegged tanned leather inside and out. These rigs are custom designed to ensure the correct drawing height. Ammo bags and other accessories can be added as well. Please be sure to read our measurement information guide to help customize this product for you. Order your custom speed gun rig here.
Hillbilly Bert fashioning his Bunkhouse Gun Rig in the above image. He has kindly reviewed our product here.
The above is a Bunkhouse rig featuring two tones of tanned leather and custom floral tooling. Priced at $525.00.
This Bunkhouse rig features detailed floral tooling on the holsters making this truly a work of art. This rig fits 1851 Navy pistols and is priced at $825.00.
This Bunkhouse Classic Cowboy Speed Rig features two metal lined vegged tanned leather, inside and out. This particular rig was customized in conjunction with Hillbilly Bert a MN based cowboy shooter. This rig features a floral carved ammo bag. There is also a shotgun belt with 45 caliber ammo on each side of the eight 12 gauge loads. This system priced at $875.00.
The above is a Bunkhouse classic cowboy rig featuring metal lined holsters with a belt shelf and a 3” wide gun belt that adjusts to a custom waist size. We offer a wide variety of color options and tooling designs. As pictured, this rig is priced at $450.00.
This Bunkhouse speed rig features a metal lined dark leather finish and with custom leather lacing. This rig is fitted for a Ruger Vaquero. Priced at $395.00.